
Urban Regeneration

Urban Regeneration

Some Example Projects

Mixed Use

Harold Hill Family Welcome Centre

Structural scheme designed for future-proof adaptation [...]

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Student Accommodation

Palmerston Court

MMC innovations & Passivhaus standards [...]

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Mixed Use

Orchard Gardens, Elephant Park

Scheme and feasibility designs for flexibility and sustainability [...]

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101 Newington Causeway

Identifying optimal approach for new sustainable commercial development [...]

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Build to Rent (BTR & PRS)

Smiths Gardens

Build-to-Rent development brings urban regeneration to the heart of Birmingham [...]

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Mixed Use

Cantium Retail Park

Planning support to prove feasibility of inner-city retail park regeneration [...]

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Mixed Use

Southernwood Retail Park

Supporting a successful first-time planning application [...]

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Mixed Use

Beorma Quarter Tower

Structural scheme delivers open span office layouts with flexible residential units above [...]

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Build to Rent (BTR & PRS)

100 West Cromwell Road

Analysing foundation capacity and future-proofing structures [...]

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Build to Rent (BTR & PRS)

Coppermaker Square

Maximising value across multiple areas through lean value engineering [...]

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Urban Regeneration

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Taking Sustainability Seriously

Sustainability is in our DNA and we have our own ambitious goals to achieve Net Zero as a business and with our designs. With innovative in-house monitoring tools, Walsh clients have seen on average reductions of 10-20% total embodied carbon, with some of our flagship work achieving 60-70% reductions compared with baseline figures.